Greetings from Gehennom - Mashiach is on the Way!
"Hi! I'm Satan. Nice to meet you. Isn't it heiss? Yes, another job well done by me. Oy a broch! It really is boiling! Where is that air conditioner? Wouldn't that be a machaya right now?"
"Now, have I got an idea for concerns borrowing your roomate's eggs without asking..."
It's official - it's hot as all hell, which means only one thing: Mashiach is on the way! One of the prophecies of the Messianic Era was that the weather would radically change, and look, it has. Last week it was frrreeeezing, and now it's hottttttt.
Nevermind that your hair is soggy, your shirt is sticking to your back and you haven't unpacked your summer wardrobe. Don't bother unpacking. Mashiach is coming - better have that suitcase ready!
So holla back to Hades and tell (The Official Church of) Satan you say shalom!!! (He's that little red man over your shoulder that always gets you to commit pritzus such as eating at Viva and ogling the Central Park Reservoir joggers in their itty bitty shorts.)