Friday, May 19, 2006

Satmar is so March 2006... i say shut it down...!

OK.... who else is sick and tired over the constant over-coverage of the Satmar community? They're burning down buildings for insurance money, they're throwing rock at cars with occupants by the name of Zissel (poor zissel was lucky to be wearing her bullet-proof stockings and a shpilke over her shaitlech... she didn't even know anything happened. JFK should have done the same!), putting out fires, and all sorts of chaos just because two rabbis are fighting over God-knows-what?!?!?

Rupert Murdoch - please buy the Satmar community and make them stop!!! Their news coverage is taking away from us knowing what a horrible job as a mother Brittany Spears is to Sean Preston, and I dont even know what ever happened with J-Lo's ex Chris Judd telling his tell-all story about his marriage to Jenny anymore!


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