Thursday, May 11, 2006

IT'S TIME FOR: A Friendly JYC Yiddish/Vocab Lesson!

Yee haw! Shout it from the treetops! It doesn't get more exciting than this.

JYC bloggers are such in-the-know Members of the Tribe (MOTs) that we pepper all our entries with Yiddish/crazy Jew words. However, not everyone is as conversant and doesn't understand that added dramatic flair. (Hee hee - flair - always reminds me of the gevaldic 'Office Space.')

There I went again! What is gevaldic? Well, let your friendly JumpinJewess be your guide:

-Gevaldic - something that should be exalted! Usually used in a spiritual way but often (in our case) used for the most mundane of items, such as food and mandals (man sandals - hee hee). Was often shouted out randomly by Rebbe Shlomo Carlebach, everyone's favorite crunchy granola Rabbi. Also used slyly as in 'gevaldica middos,' literally 'great character traits' but now meaning, 'nice rack.'

-Kak a Moon - irreplaceable Yiddish saying that basically means "go to hell." I don't know exactly what it means, but probably has something to do with your moon (and I don't mean the Rev. Sun Yung Moon). - most annoying (yet addictive) of webites, which proudly trumpets the engagements, marriages, circumcisions (not female - we aint in Africa), Snapple drinking, etc. etc. of an unusually non-photogenic bunch of Jews with funny names. Really fun site to use to check out exes (they're marrying that?) and spy in all kind of ways. Only Jews could come up with such a concept, and we're breathlessly awaiting &

-Glatt - denotes a special level of kosher meat. This level is not required for meat to be kosher but every J-restuarant wants to show how special they are, so it's usually found somewhere in the name. Witness: Glatt-to-Go, Glatt Wok (can I get a Glatt Wok? ala Jay-Z), Glatt-in-Your-Hatt, Glatt-in-Your-Butt, etc.
(*Always causes a special snicker when applied to dairy eateries, since they don't serve meat.)

-Madonnna - not Jewish, no matter how much she wants to be. Esther??? HA!

Contact me with any questions, loveys.


At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is already an site. It is called Craigs list.

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kak a mon (or kak ze yon, or any number of variations - depends on singular, plural, etc.) literally means "s*** on them." The things I learned when I was a mere baby at my father's knees...


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