Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Event of the Season: The Purim Shpiel at the Jewish Center!!!

Grab this chance to see your very own Jumpin Jewess perform live in the Jewish Center's prestigious Purim Shpiel!!

I will be giving voice to characters that deserve to be heard, such as a Jewish Napoleana Dynamite, a ditzy Jewish blond girl and a beeyotchy sorority-type Jewish girl! (See a theme here - Jewish?) The play irreverently skews life on the Upper West Side, in keeping with the gregarious and drunken Spirit of Purims Past.

Here are the important details!

What: The Ices Man Cometh/The Winter of our Discontent (Purim Shpiel)
Where: The Jewish Center
86th St. between Columbus and Amsterdam Aves.
When: Saturday night, March 10 (yes, it's after Purim but will still be HILarious!)

Note: There is an entry fee...more info to be announced...

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Upper West Side is so incestuous we might as well change its name to Kentucky

Read this and weep! I like to think of the Upper West Side as summer camp, which lends it a whimsical flavor that makes all these interconnections amusing rather than annoying.

Dating Dilemmas
by Leah Hochbaum Fri. Feb 09, 2007

Seth Weiss, 26, a consultant from Chicago, once got set up with two cousins within a two-week span. Alison Rodin, 24, a programming assistant from New York City, once was out to dinner with four friends when it occurred to her that three ofthe women at her table had gone out with the same guy. Shortly after signing our lease, my new roommate and I realized that she'd dated my ex-boyfriend and I'd dated hers.

Welcome to life on New York City's Upper West Side, a place not unlike the Lower East Side of yore, where Jews lived virtually on top of one another in an insular ghettolike community where the synagogues, schools, pickle shops and kosher delis could all be found within a few blocks. It was a dirty and disease-ridden area, but also one that pulsated with a vibrant Jewish pride that many still yearn for today. They needn't, though. That type of Americanized shtetl-living never really disappeared — it just moved uptown. The squalid conditions are gone, replaced by a more hygienic region that lures thousands of young Jewish professionals each year. It's a neighborhood where the youthful and the Modern Orthodox go to findmates. But more often than not, they just end up finding one awkward dating situation after another.

"It's like high school all over again," said Lucy Cohen, 25, an assistant editor. Cohen grew up on the Upper West Side, but she made a conscious choice to stay out of the local dating scene. Cohen moved south, to Greenwich Village, as soon as the opportunity arose, and recently she married a British man she met through a friend."But the stakes are higher," she continued. "It's a small, insulated world, so everyone knows everyone, and ends up dating everyone. But in high school, no one's looking to get serious, whereas on the UpperWest Side, everyone is looking to get serious. And that ends up being anxiety provoking for everyone."

Indeed, most Modern Orthodox Jews on the Upper West Side know eachother, or at least know of each other, since they attend the same synagogues, live in the same buildings and often end up at the same parties. This situation is, to some extent, ideal, because it makes checking upon someone really easy. An enterprising suitor or suitee can usually get a person's entire back-story in just two or three phone calls.It's somewhat less than ideal, however, when a first date becomes a last, or when a couple breaks up.One woman I spoke with lives down the hall from her ex-boyfriend, whohappens to also be the ex-boyfriend of one of her best friends. Another got set up with a guy the same week one of her good friends was asked out by that same guy.The Upper West Side is rife with these kinds of thorny, semi-embarrassing tales, which are told at the Shabbos table each week.

"I choose to stay out of the fray, because the atmosphere's crazy,"said Rosy Zion, 27, a lawyer from Brooklyn who's been living on the Upper West Side for two years. "It's like survival of the fittest uphere. Girls are going after limited resources — the nice Jewish boys," she said with a laugh.Unlike Zion, most people up here find themselves enmeshed in the area and all it offers, and simply hope that each slightly sticky dating situation will turn out to be but a mere pothole along the seemingly endless road to happy coupledom. In fact, after the aforementioned Weiss realized middate that he'dalready set up another date with the girl's cousin, he thought he'd blown things completely and found himself more relaxed in her presence."I figured there was no chance I could really go out with her again,"he said, "so I kind of lost those normal nerves that occur on a first date."They ended up going out for two months.That girl's married to someone else now. Someone she met on the Upper West Side. Someone I used to date.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Shocking Life Cycle Event: Anna Nicole Smith is Dead!!!

Every year there are a few events that make you gasp when you read them. This is definitely one of them - Anna Nicole Smith died today. The cause is unidentified as of yet but I'm hoping that drugs had nothing to do with it.

Whatever the case, it's really sad and she leaves behind a five month old daughter.

I'll conclude on a Jewish-sounding note: We should never know from such things.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Just what does it mean to CANOODLE???

-->"Psst-Breindy! Let's canoodle in the Yichud Room!"

What's a Jewess to do? You can't read a good gossip blog or Page Six without hearing that two stahs were canoodling.
Please tell me what this means! Were they flirting? Smooching? Playfully shoving each other? Playing 'Hungry, Hungry Hippos'?

The online dictionary gives it a slightly naughtier definition - I'll leave it to you to check it out.

It seems to me that all it takes is 'canoodledom' to link two random people of the opposite sex. Or of the same sex, in some cases (such are the times we live, Hashem Yerachaim...ha ha...just kidding with the frum tangent).

Anyway! It got me wondering what the Jewish definition of 'to canoodle' would be. For example, two witnesses told us that: Country Yossi canoodled with Sora Rivka Rachel Leah, the kindergarten Morah who lives on 7th St. and Ave. C in Flatbush.*

Did they nod at each other? Go to the revolving lounge on top of the Marriott Marquis for a shidduch date? Check each other out on Frumster (only Orthodox-Machmir profiles, please)? Or-GASP!-play a sick, twisted game in which they potched each others' tushies? It all sounds so sordid!

In other news, a little yonah bird told us that: Mordy Shtender, the counter guy at the new Supersol on W. 92nd St., was seen canoodling with Maidelah Aidelah, the daughter of Mr. Feldfaffer, who always delivers gefilte fish loaves in his station wagon!* I think she's slipping him a little more than the fish! Bada bing!!

Don't tell them you heard it from me.

*All names have been changed to protect the innocent. Okay, this is all libel/fiction. You get the point.

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Monday, February 05, 2007

Tights-Wearing, Horse-Riding Man to Marry - Jewish? YU/Stern?

CNN enlightened me as to the delightful tale of a soldier, just back from Iraq, who dressed as a knight/man in tights to propose to his damsel. Cute story.

It made me wonder just what is happening these days in the YU/Stern World of Post-Adolescent Matrimony. Are the bochurs coming up with creative proposals for their maidelahs? How would a good Jewish tween react to her 20 year old stud if he put on hoisery? Would that go down well in the Stern caf?

I guess I'll have to get an operative to go to the YU Seforim Sale to find out.

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