Friday, May 19, 2006

Questionable SLEB (slob?) Sighting Alongside Unwavering Political Action

Biggest thrill of my life thus far - met Governor (sorry for the typo - eagle eyed Commentator) George Pataki yesterday at Columbia Law School graduation. His daughter graduated alongside my sis.

Why is he a questionable slob? (He's for sure a questionable celeb since who wouldn't pass up a chance to meet him to get a gander at Eva Longoria, or even Don Rickles.) First of all, he has a little belly that slops over his pants. Not too bad, really, nothing for a guy his age. The true problem is that he's a selfish politico in many, many ways. As a Jew, I can't do anything but dislike him, since us Jews have 'crusading for one political cause or another' in our DNA.

So, in my own passive-aggressive way, I acted on my dislike. My bro insisted on taking a picture with him, and me being disinterested and not too fond of our governornator, I asked snarkily if Georgie wanted the pic emailed to him. Also, I told his guards that I was annoyed by his policies and asked if their ear buds were iPods. (They snickered.)

I'm happy to report that my brave political action will have no impact on the state of NY, politics, or anything at all.


At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last I checked George Pataki, was New York's Governor, not Mayor.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger GoodGirlGoneGood said...

So sorry for the egregious political error, UWS. I stand corrected. In my defense, you'll note that I later wrote in the post that I was not fond of our 'governator.'

Also, thanks for the warm commentary after my effusive response (and first comment, I believe) on your (fascinating, I must admit) 'moaning' blog entry.

So don't get snarky with me, please.

At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. I noticed you wrote 'governornator' later in the post but I just didn't mention that aswell.

Hey, I'm not perfect. If you look at my first comment I'm a little comma-happy.

At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did your brush with fame leave you a little weak kneed? Seriously- it is fun to meet some of the big movers and shakers of our world. Hope it was fun.


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