Thursday, December 29, 2005

OnlySimchas does porn!

Oh NO!!!!!!!!! So, as you can see from the photo on the RIGHT, Regina and Moshe have adhered to the "3 feet in between" rule required when posing next to your known-you-for-three-weeks-but-loved-one pictures on the engaged section of OnlySimchas. This is all fine, dandy and truly Kosher.

However, while browsing through OnlySimchas on a Thursday afternoon, I discovered a breach in the rule from Yumi and Chani of London/Israel (who would have thought they were that touchy/feely out there?!?). See the picture ABOVE where Yumi and Chani are. Touching. In. An. ENGAGEMENT. Photo. What has our world come to? What horrible paparazzi found them this intimate and exposed them to a world where you can't even pose next to each other? Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and assume picture-doctoring occurred.

What next?!?! Mixed dancing?!?


At 10:39 AM, Blogger GoodGirlGoneGood said...

I think Yumi is touching Chani's butt. You can't see it, but Yumi's shviga-to-be (Chani's mutter) is throwing up in the background.


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