Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Jews for Gee-zuh-s (I can't even say his name)!

So last night while sitting on the crapper and going through some mail, I open up a nice little 3-sided postcard with a picture of 4 not-so-attractive Jews with the byline: WHO ARE FOR THESE JEWS?!?!? I thought, "oh cool, a non-profit, some aliyah organisation, or some charity is requesting my assistance!" Then, I open the card to read that JESUS IS FOR THESE JEWS. Oy. I've been J4J'd and I didn't even suspect it. Apparently, all Jews can get saved by clicking here. sigh oh sigh. I felt really good being snail-marketed by the Jews for Jesus folk, even though I want nothing to do with Jesus... though, I do want his most amazing 6-pack abs.


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