Thursday, June 15, 2006

What to Say on Judgement Day (tee hee)

I just got this very 'religious' forward, pushing me to get my priorities in order. Well, I'd like to pass the wisdom along to you, darling readers, with my comments of course and the note that
G-d is referred to as HE at all times - WWRDD (What Would Rashi's Daughters* Do?):

*Rashi, world-renowned biblical scholar and pious man, had daughters who actually put on tefillin. They would never get shidduchim in this day and age.

Jumpin Jewess on the Mussar:
Bizzaro Photo 1: Hopefully He'll be concerned about the condition of your skin, after those scary helicopter-like mosquitoes are done devouring it. Put on the bug spray, people!

Bizzaro Photo 2: He'll also ask how many you helped unclothe - just how good is your sex life anyway????

Bizzaro Photo 3: He'll want to know how you and your friends avoided getting electrocuted by that scary ball of twine.

(JJ: How very David Blaine in a tank! J-licious!)


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