Wednesday, November 29, 2006

An Open Letter to People Who Block the Subway Stairs by Yakking Incessantly on Their Cellphones

DON'T do it!

Seriously, what is wrong with these modern-day clods? I can't tell you how many times in the last few weeks alone I've had to weave around these people to just get up the stairs!

And since I'm already listing things that annoy me, why don't I mention those people that send me forwards 20 times a day? You thought I would like to hear the 'secret message from geese' and it's very thoughtful of you, but please for the love of G-d, stop clogging my inbox with this shizzle.

Also, did you hear that Snoop Dogg was arrested again? Honestly, why can't Shnoop stay out of trouble?

Finally, I can't believe it's that time of the month again - yes, I must pay rent. Dammit, I'm in the poorhouse, but that won't stop the telemarketers from calling my cell (which I don't answer if I'm on subway stairs) to ask me for donations.


At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the rent... it never stops coming.

I got my oil tank filled today, and found a nice whopping bill in the door, too. Just to keep things fresh.

At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a guiding principle in my life; although I don't adhere to it often, as my inner hippie objects.
Principle is stated as follows: People talking on cell phones or listening to ipods do not exist.
They have chosen to exclude me from their world, therefore they are excluded from mine. If I'm walking down the street and we appear to be on a colission-bound path with each other, I will keep on going, I shall not veer. If you fail to notice me and to step aside, your loss. I shall ram you down and laugh about it later.
The preceeding has been a rant, commence with the trolling.

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Denver just got a new light rail extension to the middle of nowhere, we soon will have people yakking on their phones and blocking the doors. But the only people that will be inconvenienced are the buffalo.


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