Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Impending Foodfest: Thanksgiving!!!!

I'm so excited: it's the most wonderful time of the year! No, not Xmas, you blasphemous folk, but Thanksgiving! The idea of being given a day off to celebrate a day in which you are supposed to gorge yourself on delish chazerai such as stuffing makes me almost explode with glee (and pie) every year.

I had a feeling that us Yiddin had managed to spin this in some Jewish way, and I was right. Check out these ideas for 'Jewifying' your holiday! My favorite is the prayer to supplement bircat ha'mazon, in which they give a shout-out to G-d for "rous[ing] the caring of the natives for [the Pilgrims], who fed them turkey and corn and other delights."

Turkey is certainly delightful, but I don't know if I'd go that far with corn. Personally, I'd rather concentrate on maize or Indian Pudding (oooh!).

In any case, happy (early) holiday to you all, and enjoy your turkey comas.


At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you get a turkey coma from eating a Tofurkey?


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