Thursday, June 29, 2006

Britney Spears Non-Tznius on Magazine Cover - Wrong on So Many Levels

They predicted it would happen, but I never believed it: one day, innocent little Britney Spears would pose nude. All this chatter started in the 'Oops, I Did It Again' days when she began to get a little more naughty, but she was so outspoken about being Christian and a bloody virgin at the time that I never believed it.

Well, believe it baby! Little Britney is now Bigger Britney with Junk In Her Trunk and a Bun in the Oven, and she will be naked on the cover of August's Harper's Bazaar Magazine.

I find this wrong on so many levels. Not even strictly because she aint wearing clothes, but instead:
1. She looks like crap these days - couldn't she have done this when she had the hot bod?
2. Demi Moore already did this 10+ (or is it even 15?) years ago - hop on a new trend wagon.
3. What the f*(&(*&(*^(^???? Are we supposed to be happy that she is all aglow with pregnancy when she is merely bringing more Feder-spawn into the world?
4. And finally, yes, this is major pritzus, and the Tznius Police are not happy. This is worse than the time Henchie Himmelblob went off on a motorcycle with her biz skirt a'flyin' (the well-known 'Shonda on a Honda').

Britney, all this time when people in forums online and on blogs called you Titney, I defended you. It wasn't your fault that you were born 'country' and are too stupid to know better than to do alot of the things you've done. But this is unforgivable. Put your (questionable) assets away, and stop assaulting my eyes!!!!


At 5:09 PM, Blogger 29 and mighy fine said...

In some respects, I agree, Britbrit has looked better in past years, but damn! the girl is knocked up, let's cut her some slack! This is the one time in her life that a woman is "permitted" by society to embrace her curves, to waddle and really shake it like a polaroid picture... yet, over the past few years, all that we and US magazine have done is criticize the body of the woman with child- or the weeks post child for that matter!
Britney I give this to you: get as fat as you damn please (just don't sit next to me on a plane)
and to that magazine:
did you have to airbrush the hell out of her? where are the stretch marks?



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