Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So THAT'S What They're Calling It These Days - Lindsay Lohan, Thanks for Cluing Me In

It is with utmost sadness and prayers for a refuah shelaimah that I report that a certain accident-prone miss, Lindsay Lohanstein herself, has once again been injured. No, it is not:
-car accidents during escape from the papparazi
-eating issues
-removal of implants

Instead, Ms. LL has been injured by an unruly teacup!!!! I mean, that happens to all of us, right? We're staying at Bryan Adam's house, we take a shower and slather ourselves with lotion, we get our bacon and eggs on fine china in a tray and go up the long and winding staircase to bring up to our hungry friends. And - whoops! Our Lenox teacup goes flying into our shin and suddenly we need 10 stiches. We can all relate.

I must admit, however, that upon further reflection, the detective in me realized that perhaps, perhaps this little accident was a euphamism for something else. Could a pharmaceutical have been involved (gasp)??? Is 'teacup' the new word that hep cats are using for ____? (The Yiddishe Mama in me will not let me blog it.) Did the missy's use of this pharmaceutical impair her ability to transverse the stairs (although they might have been particularly spirally in good ol' Bryan's house)?

Suffice is to say, I now feel cooler since I know the new slang. Thanks, Linds, for the lesson. On a more serious note, I hope you finally learned YOUR lesson to stay away from the stuff, although I am doubtful. Your mom and rep are covering for you, when they should be intervening. True prayers should go out to this 'little girl lost' before it's too late.

A prayer also for the newly-puffy Jared Leto, who has defiled his buff bod (the dream of my high school days!) by gaining a gazillion pounds to play the guy who shot John Lennon.


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