Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Attention-Getting BlackBerry Blackout Leads Blueberries to Loudly Proclaim, "What are we, chopped liver???"

--> Red berries: coming out of retirement and proud of it, dude!

A patent infringement lawsuit might do the unthinkable: shut down (GASP!) service to gazillions of Blackberry users. Naturally, this has caused panic across the country for busy bee workers who practically orgasm every time they get an email and have carpal tunnel syndrome in their thumbs.

I say: viva la lawsuit! All of this technology has just created more hardship for the people in the workforce today. They are chained to a device that makes them available 24-7, giving them no breathing room to ever, I mean EVER, get away from work. It's gotten so bad that a lawyer friend of mine told me that partners in her firm won't travel to certain countries, since they don't offer Blackerberry service. Maybe this shutdown will give these poor, exhausted shlubs a few days to rest before some service takes over and chains them to their desks once again.

Also: viva la blueberries! Viva la boysenberries, raspberries, mixed berries! All of this unneccessary attention on blackberries has given them a bit of an ego, and frankly, the other berries have had enough. It's their turn to shine, and rightly so. They taste so much better in pies, and in my opinion, that's what really matters!


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