Wednesday, January 10, 2007

*A Day in the Life of Jumpin' Jewess*

Since I know you are dying to find out what your favorite blogger does all day, I thought I'd enlighten you:

7:45am - Alarm clock goes off. Open one eye, snicker, and fast forward the alarm.

7:59 - Have tormented dream about Jewish version of American Idol.

8:09 - Drag carcass out of bed. Ponder oatmeal but crave cereal. Gallop to kitchen and eat delish bowl of Raisin Bran with rice milk and blueberries.

8:21 - Throw open closet and put on charming outfit of black gaucho pants, patterned tights, adorably hippy gypsy top, comfy black flats.

8:41 - Makeup. Freaking eyeliner takes forever to apply and five q-tips have to die until it's finally applied correctly. Remind self once again that should have bought Bobbi Brown gel eyeliner but can't stomach trip to East Side Bloomie's.

8:58 - Finally out the door into the cold. Walk in street past garbage bags to avoid rats.

9:10 - On bus. Have evil wish that bus would just bypass physically challenged people that need ramp and delay my trip.

9:21 - At work, at last! Check email. Grimace at sad state of lone plant on desk.

10:05 - Down to work. Data data blah blah.

10:32 - Time for a snack. Granola bar. Decide to cancel dentist appointment for the millionth time. Will get to it next week (riiight).

11:15 - Time for another snack. Apple #1.

11:41 - Intruiging email from inappropriate yet adorable guy. Ponder sexy yet snappy comeback. Save as draft so response isn't too quick and therefore desperate.

12:11 - Finally okay to send email. Giggle.

12:17 - Lunch!!! Eat insane lunch of drop of tofu left over from last night, half of plain wrap, some cottage cheese.

1:00 - Data data blah blah. Yay! Another email from cute yet inappropriate guy. Imagine him in Superman suit.

1:01 - Time for another snack. Apple #2. Wonder why Roma apples are so much better for baking. Get angry about $3.29 price for grapes at lovely yet overpriced neighborhood grocery.

2:15 - Make plans to get sauced at Rancho this weekend. Love their frozen margaritas.

3:04 - Forced good cheer and small talk with coworker. Wish fervently that I could send them on to 'What Not to Wear.'

4:02 - At last, another snack! Half a can of peas.

5:15 - Head home. Ignore wolf whistle from hideous man who is always working on his ancient car on my street.

5:30 - Home at last! Mail is all crap as usual. No one loves me. No plans tonight thank G-d so drop crap at door, change clothes and rush off to gym.

5:55 - Stupid gym is overcrowded as usual. Tap foot as wait for elliptical.

6:40 - On to weight training. Eye cute guy on Stairmaster.

6:55 - Cute guy gets off Stairmaster. Has too much junk in trunk and is wearing watermelon colored shorts. Cross off list.

7:20 - Finally out of gym. Too late for Jeopardy, dang it! Pass by Starbucks and wish purchase of Venti drink could be justified. Decide to save for retirement instead.

8:00 - Dinner. No energy to cook despite well-intentioned vegetables rotting in fridge.

8:10 - Nuke two veggie burgers and have half pitcher of Crystal Lite. Crave ice cream, brownies, pie. Eat two week old leftovers instead.

8:40 - Pointless phone calls with friends that emailed with all day. Get off phone as fast as possible while admiring beautiful Blackberry.

9:20 - Brokeback Mountain is On Demand! Fast forward to sex scene.

9:40 - Switch cable to Showtime so can watch L Word.

10:36 - Check Palm Pilot to see if have plans for tomorrow. Joy! Roller skating at the Roxy.

11:29 - Off to bed! Switch on Channel 633 for relaxing music to lull self to sleep. Enjoy sounds of Celtic windchimes.

11:49 - Off to sleep....dream of Rabbi of Young Israel dressed inexplicably in toga. On to another exciting day!



At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Glad to see you are so productive at work! NOT!

And what do you mean no one loves you? You've got that creepy guy whistling at you and lots of eyeballs at the gym!

Yeh, you New Yorkers have it good.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Annie said...

I find that the street corner pick-up guys whistle at me most frequently when I'm in shul clothes. What is it about a knee-length skirt, long sleeves, and covered collarbone that really gets them going?

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

although this is slightly off topic, girlfriend you've got some disordered eating going on! I am a nutritionist and calculated your total calories as between 850-950 for the day you reported. You also went to the gym and spent 40 minutes on an elliptical, even for a small woman (which you must be if you eat so little)this burns a good 350 calories! this leaves you with about 500 daily calories. STARVATION!!!! is your hair falling out yet? do you understand why you crave bad foods, it is because your body is crying out in protest!
All I am saying is be carefull, eating like this might be a quick diet fix, but in the long run(if you get there) you are destroying your body and looks!
take care of yourself!

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Nice Jewish Guy said...

Whatsamatta, you don't want to post my comments anymore? ;)


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