Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Obnoxious Perv (that I know) Gets Engaged After World's Shortest Courtship

I just heard that a guy that came on to me (unsuccessfully) a mere two months ago is suddenly, blissfully engaged! It seems like yesterday that I kicked him out of my apartment for crimes against humanity.

I wonder if he went straight to her loving arms after that little fiasco? Or was it just the kick in the tuchus he needed to begin shidduch dating like a machine?

Now, I won't name names, but I really feel bad for his kallah. He's just the kind of annoying ba'al tshuva that thinks he needs a really innocent, very frum girl when he himself has been acting in various sleazy and assy ways that aren't befitting a Ben Torah.

He's also the kind of general weirdo that insists his women have to be beautiful pieces of art (basically vacant objects) for him to enjoy. While I was initially flattered to be put into that category, I quickly tired of his discussion of how proportionate my arms and legs are and how it's such a relief to hang out with me since he can't stand to be around unattractive people. Never mind that he himself isn't exactly G-d's gift (no matter what his Jewish momma told him).

May I be the first to wish the blushing couple a mazal tov. Much hatzlacha as they embark on this new 'adventure.'


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