Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Jewish Blog Guilt: Post-Yom Kippur Version

So I've been on this self-improvement kick to get myself ready for the High Holy Days (which just passed, may they be well). Part of it has been learning the laws of Shmirat Ha'Lashon, or guarding your tongue so you don't speak badly of others.

What I've learned is that not following these laws is a huge transgression equal to not keeping the entire Torah. As such, the laws are so strict that you basically can't even mention another person's name since it might lead another person to say something even slightly unfavorable about them.

I've really been trying hard to keep these laws and have thus been feeling progressively guiltier and guiltier about my snarky blogging here on this delectable site. What could be worse than dissing fellow Jews in a public forum? You can't even say things about our Nation of Israel (not Islam, Heaven forbid, nothing wrong with saying anything about them).

So, I'm in a quandary. I love blogging but don't want to be a 'peddler of gossip.' What to do, what to do?


At 3:19 PM, Blogger Nice Jewish Guy said...

Perhaps we can apply Costanza's Corrolary: It's not Loshon Hora... if you are anonymous. (Don't quote me on that as halacha, though!)

So, nu, how'd you fast? and more importantly, did you wear canvas Keds, flip-flops, fuzzy slippers, or running shoes?

At 12:28 PM, Blogger GoodGirlGoneGood said...

Ha, well some people know who I am so it gets fuzzy (unlike my slippers).

I'll try to make my entries as anonmymous as possible - notice how I stereotyped a whole group above, rather than individuals.

Fast actually wasn't bad at all. And I wore my flip flops that were trendy last year and grungy this year. My pedicure was not up to par but at least I avoided the dreaded Keds.

And you?

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Nice Jewish Guy said...

My fast was...ehh. Hey, it's fasting. I started with the canvas, but I figured I might as well be as comfortable as uncomfortably possible, so I switched to my Asics Gel Kayanos. In case I got a p'sich, I could dash up to the Aron reeeal fast!


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