Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Mel Gibson Rants (again), World Laughs (again)

"I think this is a good look for me. Don't you? Jesus rulez!! Pass the Jack Daniels, would you?"

Meet Mel Gibson. No, not the handsome actor you thought he was. The real Mel, the confirmed laughingstock of Hollywood. Not content to merely spew anti Semitic nonsense and be a sloppy drunk and misguided moviemaker, Meshugana Mel briefly left his cave this past week and ranted against the war in Iraq.

Wait, I thought he denied the war? Oh, that was the Holocaust. According to him, he owns Malibu, his wife is going to hell for not being Catholic and it's cool to refer to women by names like 'Sugar Tata's.'

I think I hate him even more than Tom Cruise at this point. Apparently I'm not the only one.
Here's a rundown of some fun comments made about Mel lately:

"He's one bead short of a rosary." (
"Watching [Apocolypto - his upcoming movie] it is like having dental work." (movie critic)
"He looks like the Unabomber." (me)

Can't wait for his stupid movie to bomb - payback is on its way. Take it from this Jewess, Mel. And I don't even own Hollywood.

Here's some other fun comments about the maniac for your reading pleasure:

"Mel Gibson apologized to the Jewish community for anti-Semitic remarks he made when he was drunk. Yeah, then Gibson apologized to Catholics for not being able to hold his liquor." (Conan O'Brien)

"Mr. Gibson announced today that he will be entering rehab -- the Betty Ford Center for his alcoholism, and I believe the Henry Ford Center For Anti-Semitism." (Jon Stewart)

"As you may have heard, Mel Gibson was arrested in Malibu on a DUI. I don't know what he was drinking but I think you can rule out Manischewitz." (Jay Leno)


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