Tuesday, April 04, 2006

General Passover Angst

--> I suspect I might need more than 4 cups of wine to get me through 8 days with the mishpacha.

I don't know about the rest of you Jewkids in the blogosphere, but the advent of Passover/Pesach is causing much agita in my breast (that was poetic, you pervs). For the longest time, I couldn't decide if I should do the whole heave-ho and clean my apartment so I could come home for Chol Ha'Moed and the Second Days (thereby avoiding the inevitable 'I'm so sick of my family I could die' rage).

However, I finally decided that the hours saved by not scrubbing, searching for crumbs and foiling the whole damn place were worth more than the hours of angst to come, so I am going with my darling family to my cousins in Joysey (aka Jersey) for the First Days and then heading back to my childhood home of Queens for the rest of the entire chag.

I would be lying if I didn't say that I was apprehensive about what is sure to be a hideous commute to work (1 hour via car, bus & subway), especially when compared to my current 5-10 minutes. I also would be Fibber McGee if I said I wasn't worried about answering annoying questions and just dealing with my parents and sibs. But I have to admit that a feeling of excitement is growing in my heart. My parents have all On Demand channels and I will get to watch them at my will! Hellloooo, L Word reruns!

In that religious spirit, I bid you all good Pre-Passover luck in cleaning up your chametz-filled abodes. May you be infused with love of G-d, freedom, and On Demand in this festive season.


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