Monday, April 24, 2006

Elderly Jewish Jews Smoke Up, But Find It Confusing (Jewish Jews = They Aint the Only Ones at Old Smokey)

Is it wrong that when I saw this headline, "Elderly Jews Wrestle With Drug Plans," I automatically assumed it was about Tanta Millie's love affair with marij-uana?? Or that I pictured Uncle Hymie having a heated arm wrestle with Chico, the loveable crack dealer next door, over who would get to eat the last marshmallow??

Nah, I think what's funnier are the quotes in the article - witness one aged Yid's complaint about how the overly complicated health care system* is hocking him a chainik:

"An 80-year-old can not figure this out," he said. “It doesn't make sense. It's too difficult for me, and I'm 62 and a lawyer."

Ya hear that? He's a LAWYER and he still can't figure it out. Jewish moms, what does this all mean?

Also, Tanta Millie? You can always find solace in food! Check out these great recipies for potnut butter sandwiches and Chocolate Brownie Oatmeal Canna-Cookies - Zaidy will definitely come a-chappin.

*But seriously folks - I'm not entirely devoid of compassion. I happen to be in the business and it is confusing and no way near ideal. But the lawyer jokes still need to be made.


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