Rant on Rudeness: Unattractive Old Windbags Lead The New York City Tradition

NYC (not JYC of course) has long been known for its trademark rudeness. In the most exciting city in the world, people have places to go and have no time for your BS, especially if it will slow them down, so: Get out of the way, tourist! Move aside, slowpoke!
I have always defended New Yorkers, who I have found to be a really nice, and said they are merely busy, not cranky. They'll always help you out with directions if you're in a pinch, and are a very down to earth, good hearted bunch.
However, I have unfortunately had a series of run-ins that have made me feel that perhaps the rudeness reputation is deserved. Some recent examples:
Scenario #1: Jumpin' Jewess is rushing (like every good NYer) to work and piles into a elevator that, while crowded, has plenty of room to accomodate her wee body. She backs up slightly and BOOM!- a sound from the crowd - a smug woman informs her, "That was my foot you just stepped on."
Scenario #2: Jumpin' Jewess gets up early to head to the gym before work. She usually goes at night, when the younger folk are back from work, so is unaccustomed to the early morning sight of geriatric folk without jobs mosying along on the bikes and hogging all the good eliptical machines. (Do I sound bitter? I'm not. I love you, Bubby!) Plopping her coat down in its normal spot on top of a counter, which admittedly has binders on it, but that the gym managers never seem to use, she is lucky enought to have the following conversation:
Portly Older Woman (POW): "You know, the coat hangers are on the other side of the gym."
JJ: "I know, I just always put my stuff here." (And she does; it has never been a problem before - the gym managers love her.)
POW: "Well, they use the binders you know. It all looks so unpleasant."
JJ has enough of this crap and responds, "Well, la di da! Thanks for the newsflash!"
Scenario #3: Jumpin' Jewess needs paper for the color copier at the front of the office. She goes to get blank paper from one of the copiers that is nearby, when she is informed by the Secretary With A Chip On Her Shoulder (in soto nasal voice), "You know, JJ, if you need paper, you really need to go to the supply closet."
What does this all add up to? One pissed-off JJ, who does not heart NY. Or maybe, it's not NY, but just a bunch of dried-up, unpleasant old bags of the female persuasion who are making life unpleasant. Yes, that must be it. This sentiment in no way detracts from her heartfelt keeping of the commandment to love all others like herself, because these Old Bags are not like herself. They are not nice, attractive and courteous.
In closing: JJ hearts everyone in NY, except for Old Bags. (And JJ doesn't know why she keeps referring to herself in third person, except she is one Pissed Off Jewess (POJ).)
In the most exciting city in the world
You mean the most overrated.
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