Monday, March 27, 2006

American Jew confused by Israeli elections?

ok, so I admit it... I have no clue how the Israeli government works. Being an American Jew/Jewish American, I know I should be aware of what goes on in the Israeli government, but I have no clue! Ya see, it was easy when Lieberman was running as Veep under wassisname, because then it was easy "oh, vote for the Jew that's running"... but in Israel - they're all Jewish... so who does one vote for?!? For all those as clueless as me when it comes to voting for Bibi, Likud, Kadima, Meretz, Peretz or Peres, the Houston Chronicle narrows it all down.... Go Houston (why the hell is Houston profiling this anyway... oh Israel = oil?)


At 5:51 PM, Blogger Mikha'el said...

Well, good for you for admitting your ignorance about what is going on in Israel and good for you for being ashamed about it (and shame on you for being so ignorant!). I am new to your blog, and I am also a native New Yorker, although I have lived in Israel for some time--but I am getting the distinct feeling that you are the type of NYC Jew/ess who is very ethnically Jewish, but very clueless about the religion/culture in general and associates Jewishness and Jewish ethnic identity with the Upper West Side liberal cultural milieu and the people you see in H&H bagels-and by your own admission you seem to be very ignorant (also your comment about Israel being 7 years behind with cellphone technology betrays that ignorance). You posted:

"Go Houston (why the hell is Houston profiling this anyway... oh Israel = oil?)"

Not only do you seem to be ignorant about Israel, are you oblivious that there are large Jewish communities outside of NYC?? (OK, maybe the title of your blog is intended to display your belief that NYC is the capital of the Jews). Houston is one of the biggest metropolitan areas in the USA and as such has a large and influential Jewish community. There are Houston suburbs where you see people wearing kippas walking to shul on shabbos. (Don't forget Kinky Friedman of the Texas Jewboys, running for Texas governor). Also, your tongue-in-cheek comment notwithstanding, and despite the fervent prayers of many Israelis--Israeli as yet has no proven deposits of oil worth mentioning. Where did you get that idea? (Although there are osme people who believe it does have significant deposits somewhere in the Negev desert or offshore in the Meditteranean--likely these will be discovered in Israel, as soon as the rest of the world finds a cheap, non-polluting, energy efficient substitute for petroleum and they start manufacturing cars and equipment that use this renewable resource on a mass scale. I know that when this dream comes to pass, and the world frees itself from oil dependence, they will find huge oil reseves in Israel!) But really, I can only assume you are joking, or you are proud to be so ignorant!


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