Monday, March 27, 2006

All Hail the Tide Pen

<-- The pride of slovenly Jewesses everywhere

I want to take this opportunity to thank Hashem for creating a little invention that has transformed my life - the Tide To Go Pen. Created for (sometime) slobs like me, it is a little tube that allows you to squirt detergent on a spot at any time, instead of having to obsessively throw water on it (making it look like you had a little accident) or waiting to throw it into the wash.

Now, my friends may make fun of me for storing it in my fab hobo handbag like a grandmother, but just now when I splattered anti-bacterial goo (lovingly applied so as not to catch evil germs) all over my lovely pink spring shirt, I was most grateful for my beautiful, red Tide Pen.

Thank you G-d, for answering the prayers of an errant spiller.


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