Monday, July 10, 2006

Madonna Apparently Renouncing Judaism; Jews Laugh At Her Abandonement of the Faith Since She Never Was Jewish in the First Place

It appears that Madonna is about to cut ties with Kabbalah, tired of the financial pressures, strain on her marriage and distance from Xmas that the (cough) CULT placed on her and her familia.

I'm also overjoyed about this since MADONNA WAS NEVER JEWISH. She never converted, period, no matter how many times she visited Israel, ate at Prime Grill and called herself Esther. Also, Kaballah is NOT a sect of Judaism, it's just a set of mystical beliefs that are part of a much grander scale. Madonna popularized a huge misconception about our wonderful religion, and I'm glad to see her go.

Let her descend on her crucifix in concert like the Christian that she is. Bye bye, Ms. Ciconne!!!


At 7:14 AM, Blogger Baleboosteh said...

"Madonna popularized a huge misconception about our wonderful religion, and I'm glad to see her go.

Let her descend on her crucifix in concert like the Christian that she is. Bye bye, Ms. Ciconne"!!!



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