Monday, July 10, 2006

France Beaten to Embarrassed Pulp by Italy in World Cup; Anti-Semites Around the World Cry Into Their Beers


In case you don't know, the above cheer is basically 'yay' in Hebrew, and I am overjoyed because Italy kicked France's (soccer ball) a** and won the World Cup yesterday!!! France's Jew-hating/beret and Arab-loving population was publically shamed when their best player, captain Zinédine Zidane was kicked out of the game after he nastily head butted an Italian player in overtime.* Eh, Frenchies, what is zis? Can't you hold ze emotion??? Even Sports Illustrated was perplexed by this idiocy, stating on their website that, "Explanations were nonexistent for Zidane's action in the 110th minute of his farewell game."

I have an explanation: they're French!!

As you can see, I couldn't be happier. I'm soooo glad that virulently anti-Semitic excuse for a country didn't walk away with a trophy. Instead, they skulked away like the cowards they are.

Viva le France - HA!!!! Belissima, Italia is more like it!!!

*Here's the video of the headbutt (in French!) for your viewing enjoyment.


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