Wednesday, November 02, 2005

YAWN....Another celebrity sighting. But wait - is this an opportunity for (post-Yom Kippur) tshuva?

Yesterday, I had the dubious pleasure of eyeing Alec Baldwin as he waited for a taxi/car and driver to pick him up on Central Park West. I was like, 'ho-hum, big deal,' since I would much rather have seen Seinfeld. And to tell ya the truth (Jumpin'Jewess would never lie to her dear readers) I was jealous of Alec. Yes, I experienced 'kinah,' a sin, just for a dumb sighting. I have to confess - I was feeling like a jealous shlep because I had to go shove myself into the subway and Alec was being picked up oh so smoothly, just because he had showed his (cute) tush in a couple of movies. (Which leads me to the sin of watching lewd movies - pritzus.) Now where was I? Oh yes, Alec was also accompanied by a very attractive woman, so guys, you might want to try to run into him. I'm sure he has a bevy of women.

Alec looked good compared to reports that he had become...AH...portly, and I'm happy to report that he is still, in the immortal words of Cher from 'Clueless,' "a Baldwin." (Although Steven sure isn't and it's arguable if he ever was. Maybe a Baldfisher, if he's lucky.) But still, I was pretty unimpressed by the whole deal.

That is, until I clicked onto and saw THIS article, which explained that Al and Kim Basinger, his stunning but odd ex-wife, are embroiled in a vicious custody battle. I know things can sometimes get touchy in a divorce, but for heaven's sake - they're both accusing each other of being mentally unfit! (I'm sure their grandmothers are rolling around in their graves right now.)

I must confess again: this article warmed my cold, cold heart and redeemed my celeb sighting. Now, I could analyze whether Alec had acted like a nutty fruity patooty when I saw him. It's all coming back to me - he was twirling naked in the streets! He was throwing candy at strangers! He was singing hava nagila and doing a (very unfortunate) hora!

I got excited - perhaps I would be called upon to testify in court??? Was I now in the thick of things - just where I wanted to be??

Then my mother's voice kicked in: 'What shtus! Just be happy you have a roof over your head and knaidel in your soup!' So I heeded my wise mother's sage words and realized: maybe I should just continue shlepping on public transportation, thanking G-d that my personal business isn't splashed all over the media...*

*Note: Our blog is the exception of course - we write very nicely about everyone.


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